Jul 04 2007
Thank you to the Town of Canmore and the volunteers for the beautiful Canada Day celebration.
The problem of dogs was everywhere that day. I called bylaw on Thursday to ensure they would be present at the park on July 1 to enforce the NO DOGS bylaw.
Dogs were everywhere at the park - I asked a fellow "did he not see the sign that read 'NO DOGS?' Yes, he replied, but the SPCA staff told him it was OK on Canada Day.
For the SPCA's information, it is not OK and please do not tell people it is.
Why can the Town of Canmore enforce photo radar, street parking and other bylaws, but not the NO DOGS in the park bylaw? Every year, more dogs will keep coming if it is not stopped.
No warnings should be given, there are very clear signs saying NO DOGS, just like street parking - two hours only. Start with a ticket. I counted 25 dogs, so it is not just one or two breaking the law and disobeying the rules. This bylaw is for the health and safety of the many people that enjoy Canada Day (and every day) in Centennial Park.
G. Clarahan,